Friday, 9 December 2011

Reasons to Sell a Structured Settlement

Structured AnnuityA structured settlement is a financial tool setup buy a licensed financial planner after a judgment on a personal injury tort claim.
Many times these structured settlement annuities are setup for years in the future expecting the individual will not be able to obtain any other fixed income through employment or in any other manner. This is not always true. Many individuals recover from their injuries and can return to work not needing their structured settlement to pay for medical expenses or unemployment. This is the first reason to sell a structured settlement. Although it is not recommended to sell your future payments just because you return to work or do not have medical expenses to pay, but it is an option.
The second reason to sell a structured settlement or settlement payments is if you have a great investment opportunity. It is always recommended to keep part of your fixed income, if it is your sole income. There are options for you though. Lets say you need $30,000 in capital to start your new business. You could sell your last 5 years of payments, keeping the next 3 years of payments to support yourself and your family until your business is established. With this scenario you are providing yourself income through your new business plus three years of additional income to support yourself through the startup period of owning a business.
Another advantage to the above scenario is that you created a lifetime income generator by starting the business were you would not have had income after the guaranteed 8 years left of structured settlement payments if you retained those payments.
The third reason to sell a structured settlement is if you need to pay off your outstanding debts. This is the most common reason for selling structured settlement payments. Thousands of individuals every month sell a structured settlement for this reason. Debt can be very stressful at times and receiving a lump sum is the best out for this situation.
In conclusion there are many reasons to sell a structured settlement and everybody's situation is different. With Settlement Quotes we will work with you to make your dreams come true in the pursuit of happiness.


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