Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 2 Released (Oneiric Ocelot)


After the delay in Ubuntu 11.10 alpha 2 which was supposed to be released around last week, the alpha 2 is now finally available for download and testing. Please note this is still incomplete and has many bugs unattended.
It has few new features worth mentioning which I will write in detail in the next post.
If you want to upgrade from Natty to Ocelot (At your Risk!)…
Press Alt-F2 to open the Run Command and type:
update-manager -d
Then update manager window will open. You then have to, check for and install any available updates and then check for any more available updates.
Then update manager will notify you, at the top of the window, that a distribution upgrade is available. Click “upgrade” and follow the steps to upgrading your system to Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 2.
As I said before, upgrade at your risk. Upgrading to Ocelot will break some apps but it will enable you to install Gnome Shell natively.




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