Thursday, 30 June 2011

Announcing Symbian Anna aka ‘PR2’

The Nokia X7 and Nokia E6, both of which come with a renewed version of the Symbian operating system. This version – which has been referred to previously as PR2 – is now known as Symbian Anna. It comes with a faster browser, improved text input, fresh, new icons and the latest version of Ovi Maps. Symbian Anna will also be made available for owners of the Nokia N8, C7, C6-01 and E7 in the coming months.For business users, the update also includes instant messaging with Microsoft Communicator Mobile, email enhancements that include full meeting request support and hardware-accelerated device encryption.

For version watchers, the application versions available in Symbian Anna are:

Enhanced Browser (v7.3): high value touch UI improvements, including URL entry bar, always visible ‘Go Back’ and extended toolbar buttons and search-integrated address field; better user responsiveness, faster history navigation and page loading, split screen virtual Qwerty keyboard.

Enhanced Ovi Maps (v3.06): smarter search; Check-in to Facebook, Twitter, Foursquareor local social networks; ability to share places via email and SMS, and also with friends using non-Nokia phones; public transport network lines view; update and download full country maps via WLAN

Enhanced Ovi Store (v2.06.xx): increased file size limits for downloading over WLAN

Enhanced Social (v1.3): status updates in contact card, ability to retweet and view follower list in Twitter, higher resolution image uploads, ability to add caption to images

Enhanced Ovi Suite (v3.x): works seamlessly with the latest version of Ovi Suite to update the device software, download free street maps, download new music and discover the latest mobile apps, back up the device to keep content safe, and sync content with Ovi.

For Developers:
Flashlite 4
Java Runtime 2.2
Qt Mobility 1.1


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