Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Bsnl 3g 2g Hsdpa Free In India (Tricks) 2011 June edd Updated By telecominfo.in

Trick is simple as 1 2 3.

It will work only in those states where conversion has been stopped.

Take any number in which you get 3G speed without any packs.

Recharge that sim with Rs 10.
Connect your phone to the internet and star browsing.

Now again,while remaining connected to internet,recharge with Rs 13.
Thats it You will have 236mb data.You can use it with 3g speed.

Do not disconnect the net.

For Mass downloaders
It will work in both mobile and data card. But practically suitable for only Mobiles.

It is same as the above trick only the thing has to done is that the recharge of Rs 98 or 219 or 270.
Recommended Recharge : 98.

Do not disconnect the net till u finish the whole data.

SS of IDM will be added soon.


tushki said...

i m using bsnl 3g of haryana in delhi on mtnl delhi network.i recharged with rs 7 2G internet voucher giving me 100 mb for one day.the speed was of 3G and i consumed the data in few minutes so i recharged again with rs 14giving me 2G internet of 200mb for 3 days..again the bandwidth was 700-1mbps..i left the mobile to download a 100mb file before sleeping and in the morning the speed was capped to 120 kbps :( ..its been 3rd day and the speed have been capped at 120 kbps even on 3G network and moreover i have already consumed the 2G data and now the amount is deducting from my main balance..any guidance how to restore the capped bandwith :( ..

and by the way what do you mean by that the above trick works only where conversion have been stopped ?

Anonymous said...

is it working in tamilnadu?

Anonymous said...

now its stop

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