Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Vodafone 2g 3g free working proxifier (Trick) by telecominfo.in

(Note: Now thr is no need of dis trick..cuz vodafone is now providing default PC usage..
I'll back wid a new voda trick soon

Heyaaa guyzzzzz..wazzup???

First of all..who told vodafone cant b fooled???

Well itz first and damn working trick of vodafone...
U can also call it

As u know dat voda is d fastest gprs provider all over nation!!

Em getting 25-40 kbps download speed!!!

NOw letz move to trick!!

VOdafone provide two type of gprs connection for d users:

1) Vodafone Live                (Wap,Handset based)
2) Vodafone Mobile connect    (Wap + Web,Handset and PC based)

Now we gonna hacked vodafone live for full net experience throughout PC!!

As wap plan(vodafone live plan) is nearly available evrywhr in india..
(for e.g. 98 unlimited browsing plan available in d circle of bihar and jharkkhand)

By this wap plan..we can browse unlimited in mobile..
bt only browse..not download!!

Now just hack it for pc and enjoy net experince wid unlimitd browsing and downloading..

just recharge ur mobile wid any wap plan available in ur circle and then
Connect ur mobile through
APN "portalnmms" to pc..

now U need a proxifier..(i have attached below wid key)

Just configure it to use

Proxy      -
Port        - 9401
Protocol   - HTTPS

Hey..u done it......now enjoy unlimitd browsing as well as downloading to PC..

Vodafone finally foooled!!!

(note- after recharging,ur wap plan will get activated withing 4 hours..
sumtym we use earlier and loose balance...
so 4 hours k baad use karna!!  

Proxifier Keygen

Proxifer Setup

himanshu Gupta


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