Sunday, 11 September 2011

Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich release expected in October by

The new Adroid 4.0 is going to be much more improved and refined than what we can even believe now.

Reports have surfaced in tech portals that Andoid 4.0 or the next generation Android software that is powering the largest number of smart phones across the world in a lot more improved than the ones we are using.

Reports have come from Eric Schmidt the young chairman of technology and search behemoth Google that Android 4.0 is set to be launched in the market as early as next month.

To be true Android has harmed iOS or iPhone’s operating system a lot by pushing it to the second place. Though details about the new smart phone operating system are hazy, but what we know is that till now it is being called Ice Cream Sandwich

Reports also suggest that the new Android system will be used in the forthcoming Google Smart phone that will be available for release in the market before the yearend.

Ice Cream Sandwich comes after Honeycomb (3.0 to 3.2), which was tailored for tablets. This next, more ambitious, update was first introduced at Google I/O in May, with this rousing endorsement on the Official Google Blog:

Our goal with Ice Cream Sandwich is to deliver one operating system that works everywhere, regardless of device. Ice Cream Sandwich will bring everything you love about Honeycomb on your tablet to your phone, including the holographic user interface, more multitasking, the new launcher and richer widgets.

The hope with Ice Cream Sandwich (unconfirmed but likely slated as Android 4.0) is to bring some order to the chaos that fragmentation has brought to the numerous Android devices out there, now multiplying in tablets as much as smartphones, it seems. (Schmidt said half a million Android phones are activated a day. A day! "If that continues, it'll fill the planet." Now, there's some imagery for you.)

It would be the merger of Honeycomb and Gingerbread (Android 2.3), these two combined into a powerful hybrid mobile operating system that would be able to run on both kinds of devices. At last, unity.

A recent comScore report shows that Android's presence is pervasive: It's still the No. 1 smartphone platform in the U.S. with nearly 42 percent of the market share, with Apple's iOS a distant second at 27 percent.


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