Monday, 12 September 2011

Unlimited And Free VPN For Airtel(Raptor+Duck Vpn)

Friends Here is is Raptor vpn which is one and only vpn service provider that gives unlimited bandwidth and lifetime free service with max. speed.
1.First Register at and verify ur email.Than download my attachment from hotfile.
2.Connect with via pc suite.
3.Now open Raptor vpn(My Attachment) and it would minimize to system tray.
4.Then right click at Raptor Globe one or two and then click on connect.
5.Than it would ask for your id and pass.Just fill them and wait for 1 minute and it would connect.
Than everything is free in ur pc.
Note:I am using it at 0 bal and getting 250+ speed on 3.6mbps modem.

Thos4e who r getting low speed can try multiple downloads at same time.

2.Duck vpn-
Friends sometime RAPTOR VPN DOES NT CONNECTS DUE TO OVERLOAD .Its a temp problem.
So when ur raptor vpn is nt connecting U can give a try to duck vpn which works free with airtel+full speed.
Bt the only limitation is that u cant use more than 1gb per day.Means ke aapko 30 days ke liye 30gb data milega.
Just register at and download their client and install it.


sumesh said...

connecting from bsnl 7.2 mbps dongle..but cant connect through any of th vpn clients..plz help..

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