Monday, 5 September 2011

Tutorial To bypass Sharecash Survey And Download And Earn Anonymously By

So i have been on Hack Forums for along time and haven't really posted anything. So i thought i might show some people how to get passed share cash relay easy. and haven't seen that many tuts on this already to i said why not.

1. Download Google Chrome

2. When you download or if you already have it go to options, Personal Stuff and then Autofill

3. Go on facebook and find someone that you hate

4. Copy and Paste there Number and Name, State, Zip and everything else they might have on to AutoFill (make sure its the right info)

5. Go onto the ShitCash survey and use autofill

6. Get to the download

7. Thinking that you have to put your number to pass, it should sent that kid spam.

Thanks for reading my First TuT and sorry if it kinda bad
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